I´m living in Delhi since 1 month, during this month I learned how to travel in this huge city with 14 000 000 people and 12 000 000 vehicles!
I do an average of 100 km per day home--work---home---south-delhi---home again, in the beguinning mostly was made by Taxi, then i understood the use of the Rickshaw( bike with 3 little wheels) and now hitchiking... every day, I repeat every day is possible to catch easily a ride with a bike or a truck.
With a bike its a crazy experience when u r driving 4ppl on a scooter in a huge congestioned highway...no fear comes 2 me, the trafic here is caotic, but i never saw an accident...
When u catch a ride with a truck u beguin a completely different ride, first u need to explain where are u going... its getting easy now, then u climb to a huge truck where u can c maybe 30/40 ppl on in the top of others, u think there is no space but solidarity is a feeling that its so real in India... Its strange to see all the indian half dressed, black feet with me in a suit with a laptop in my lap learning how to speak hindi.... Amazing feelings everyday hitchhiking in Delhi, the city where the lightning bolts enlight a clear sky full of stars...